Our Mission
VHA Diffusion of Excellence’s (Diffusion) mission is to provide frontline VHA innovators, Veterans Integrated Services Networks (VISNs), and national program offices with the education, tools, and autonomy to replicate innovations across VHA's Nationwide system. We foster continuous learning, collaboration, and support to ensure every innovation reaches its optimal point of diffusion based on evolving Veteran needs and organizational priorities.
Diffusion Playbook
Supporting Frontline Innovation
Since 2016, Diffusion has developed repeatable, inclusive frameworks that enable practices, developed by VHA frontline employees, to obtain recognition and broader impact. The Diffusion of Excellence Playbook provides these diffusion principles in a workbook format for any innovator to craft, replicate, and scale their work.
Read the Diffusion PlaybookDiffusion Marketplace
Discover VA Innovations to Adopt at Your Facility
Diffusion Marketplace is a discovery and collaboration tool that curates VA's promising innovations, encourages their diffusion, and fosters engagement with greater health care communities. Diffusion Marketplace provides the knowledge base for innovators to improve access and care for thousands of Veterans.
Visit Diffusion MarketplaceDiffusion of Excellence Programs
Diffusion Talent Accelerator
Embedding a Diffusion Culture Within VHA
Diffusion Talent Accelerator is a new offering by VHA Innovation Ecosystem that enables VISNs and National Program Offices to build and sustain a culture of learning by strengthening their ability to replicate and scale innovations. Participants receive training through face-to-face and virtual offerings that include human centered design, storytelling, facilitation, defining compelling metrics, and more.
View the Diffusion Talent AcceleratorVHA Shark Tank Competition
Identifying Promising Employee-developed Innovations
The competition shines a spotlight on passionate employees that are addressing pressing VA Health Care Priorities. VHA Shark Tank provides VA’s frontline innovators with an incredible opportunity to pitch their practice on a national stage. Then, they reel in bids with dedicated resources to replicate the practice at another VA facility. The VHA Shark Tank marquee event is held live at VHA Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning’s annual event, VHA Innovation Experience.
See VHA Shark Tank CompetitionDiffusion Academy
Training for Replicating and Scaling Innovation

Replicate Track
Preparing Promising Practices for Replication
Diffusion Academy’s Replicate Track brings VHA Shark Tank winners and their selected VHA facilities together to develop implementation plans. The event provides training on project and change management principles to ensure implementation success. The newly formed implementation teams walk away with actionable plans for the new VHA facilities.
Scale Track
Improving the Scalability and Sustainability of VA's Promising Innovations
Diffusion Academy’s Scale Track brings experienced innovators from across VHA's enterprise together to network, collaborate, and build a business case to further sustain and scale their innovations. Innovators receive training through expert panels and presentations to find resourcing opportunities, garner national stakeholder buy-in, and develop communication strategies.
National Diffusion Practices
Scaling Promising Practices Across the Enterprise
Diffusion implements select Promising Practices with demonstrated impact, replicability, stakeholder support, and cost-effectiveness. A Diffusion Specialist from Diffusion of Excellence is assigned to each practice to promote the national implementation efforts.
View National Diffusion PracticesNews & Events
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Our Team

Blaine Fitzgerald, MPH
Diffusion Specialist

Diffusion Specialist