VHA-Uber Health Connect Initiative
Expanding Health Care Access for Veterans
Our Mission
Transportation is one of the greatest barriers to increasing health care access for Veterans. Within VA, 1.8 million appointments are missed every year due to transportation barriers. Missed appointments alone reduce Veterans' overall health outcomes and cost VA nearly $4.4 billion annually.
To address this issue, the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) Veterans Health Administration Innovation Ecosystem, partnered with the Veteran Transportation Program (VTP) and Uber Health to establish the VHA-Uber Health Connect Initiative (VUHC) to offer rideshare as a supplemental transportation option for Veterans and their caregivers to get to and from their medical appointments using the Uber rideshare platform.
The main goals of the VUHC Initiative are to 1) Reduce No-Shows and Missed Appointments, 2) Improve Veterans health care transportation experience, and 3) Achieve cost savings for VA medical centers.
Initiative Announcements
VHA-Uber Health Connect Initiative Expanding Enterprise Wide across VA as the Veteran Transportation Program (VTP) Beneficiary Travel (BT) Rideshare Services
- Beginning May 1, 2024, the Veterans Transportation Program (VTP) Office is expanding this program enterprise wide and the program going forward will be called VTP Beneficiary Travel (BT) Rideshare Services.
- For more information about rideshare services, please contact your local VAMC transportation office.
- Access the VTP SharePoint page here. Please note this link is only accessible to VA employees.
Current VHA-Uber Health Connect Initiative Sites

- East Orange VA Medical Center
- Northport VA Medical Center
- Bronx VA Medical Center
- New York Harbor VA Medical Center
- Syracuse VA Medical Center
- Hudson Valley VA Medical Center
- Albany VA Medical Center
- Buffalo VA Medical Center
- Canandaigua VA Medical Center
- Bath VA Medical Center
- Pittsburgh VA Medical Center
- Butler VA Medical Center
- Coatesville VA Medical Center
- Philadelphia VA Medical Center
- Erie VA Medical Center
- Altoona VA Medical Center
- Lebanon VA Medical Center
- Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center
- Wilmington VA Medical Center
- Tampa VA Medical Center
- Gainesville VA Medical Center
- Orlando VA Medical Center
- Miami VA Medical Center
- West Palm Beach VA Medical Center
- Bay Pines VA Medical Center
- San Juan VA Medical Center
- Louisville VA Medical Center
- Lexington VA Medical Center
- Mountain Home TN VA Medical Center
- Nashville VA Medical Center
- Memphis VA Medical Center
- Wichita VA Medical Center
- Kansas City VA Medical Center
- Topeka KS VA Medical Center
- Columbia MO VA Medical Center
- St. Louis VA Medical Center
- Big Spring VA Medical Center
- Dallas VA Medical Center
- Harlingen VA Medical Center
- El Paso VA Medical Center
- Amarillo VA Medical Center
- Temple VA Medical Center
- San Antonio VA Medical Center
- Honolulu VA Medical Center
- Reno VA Medical Center
- Fresno VA Medical Center
- Sacramento VA Medical Center
- North Las Vegas VA Medical Center
- San Francisco VA Medical Center
- VA Assisted Rideshare services under Beneficiary Travel (BT) program are limited to Veterans who meet BT eligibility criteria as authorized under 38 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 70, Subpart A.
- VA Assisted Rideshare services are not guarantee and its approval is subject, but not limited to, rider's inability to drive personal owned vehicle (POV) due to medical condition, physical limitations, access to public transportation, or local Veterans Transportation Services (VTS) availability.
- VA Assisted Rideshare providers' fleet availability is limited in some rural areas.
- All VA Assisted rideshare services requests are evaluated for approval and process by the local VA Medical Center Beneficiary Travel program office.
Click your facility above to find contact information.
For more information, call your facility and request to speak to your local facility's travel team.
Program Eligibility
Veterans must be beneficiary travel (BT) eligible to receive Uber Health rides.
BT eligibility criteria:
- Service connected (SC) rating of 30 percent or more, or
- Traveling to / from treatment of an SC condition, or
- Receive VA pension, or
- Income does not exceed the maximum annual VA pension rate

Program Requirements
- Veteran must be BT eligible
- Veteran must be ambulatory and able to get in/out of vehicle unassisted
- Veteran must be traveling for a VA scheduled appointment for examination, care, or treatment
- An approved VA common carrier consult must be in the Veteran's medical record identifying that the Veteran has a valid need for common carrier or lacks a privately owned vehicle.
- A VA employee should enter the Uber Health ride request for tracking and monitoring purposes
Program Benefits
- Improved Veterans' access to VHA healthcare outcomes and improved quality of life
- No cost to Veterans and no need to file a claim
- Simple and quick process to request a ride
- Cost-effective third-party alternative
- Cost savings from fewer no-shows and quicker discharges

Stay up-to-date with the latest VUHC Initiative news and communications.
Our Team

Indra Sandal
National Lead, VUHC Initiative Chief of Innovation, Tampa VAMC

Ben Williams
Co-Lead, VUHC Initiative Director, VTP

Kristopher Teague
Executive Director, VHA Innovation Ecosystem

Garth Miller
Executive Director Member Services

Greg Goins
Network Director

Anthony Stazzone
Chief Medical Officer